10 Facts on Foxes

History has it that foxes have always been pretty fascinating to the human eye, considering their stunning plumage. They are funny and resourceful. In this blog post, we discuss ten cool fox facts. You'll be enlightened by some amazing facts…

Most Common Rodents in Houston

Houston is a bustling city with a warm climate that attracts various types of wildlife, including rodents. These small creatures can cause significant problems for homeowners and businesses. Understanding which rodents are most common in Houston…

Do Snakes Come Out More in the Summer?

Summer is a time when we enjoy the outdoors, but it's also when snakes are more active. Many people wonder why this happens and what they should do if they see a snake. This blog post will explain why snakes come out more in the summer, highlights…

What Kind of Diseases Do Bats Carry?

The role of bats in our environment is crucial, especially in regulating insect numbers. Nonetheless, these creatures may also be vectors for diseases detrimental to both humans and pets. Recognizing the variety of illnesses associated with…

Top 5 Birds You May Find in Your Houston Yard

Houston is home to a variety of bird species. Your backyard can be a haven for these feathered friends. In this blog post, we'll discuss the top five birds you may find in your Houston yard and provide some tips on bird control in Houston, TX. Northern…

Where Do Bobcats Usually Wander in Texas?

Bobcats are frequently observed in Texas, with these native felines showing a preference for specific habitat locations. Knowing their favored roaming grounds is essential for effective bobcat control in Texas, benefiting wildlife enthusiasts…

Most Common Mice Entry Points and Hideouts in Your Home

Mice are persistent pests that can invade homes through the smallest openings. Understanding where they enter and hide is crucial for effective mice control. In this blog post, we will discuss the most common entry points for mice in your home…

Are Opossums Dangerous to Humans?

Opossums are common in many areas, and people often wonder if they pose a danger to humans. While they might appear intimidating, these creatures are usually not harmful. In this blog post, we will look at the behavior of opossums, any potential…

Do Foxes Attack Humans or Pets?

In city landscapes, foxes are a common sight; they're quick to adapt, hunting for food and wandering through yards with ease. Their intriguing nature often comes with a side of safety worries that we need to consider. People commonly wonder…

Top 5 Interesting Facts About Raccoons

You’ll find raccoons everywhere – poking around trash cans in cities one moment and scurrying through forest paths the next. Although they may seem cute and harmless, there's a lot more to these creatures than what we first see. Ready…

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HUMANE WILDLIFE CONTROL Specialists LLC is a 24hour wildlife control service that caters to the Greater Houston & Surrounding Areas.

Note: If you wish to write us fill out the form above and give detail information about your problem, Your street address and what date and time you would like for us to come out to Inspect and service the problem

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  • 14222 Old Hwy 59N,
    Splendora, TX 77372,
    United States


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