Snake Removal in Houston, TX (1)

Houston, TX, is known for its warm, humid climate. This means snakes might be frequent visitors in your yard or even inside your home.

While these creatures can be interesting to observe, they can pose a risk to your family, pets, and property. When this happens, it’s time to seek help from professional snake removal services. 

In this blog post, we’ll guide you on whom to contact in Houston, TX, for snake removal and why it’s wise to opt for wildlife control companies that practice humane methods. Peace of mind at home matters.

Snake Removal services in Houston TX

Who Do We Call to Remove the Snake Infestation in Your Home?

Wildlife Control Companies

One of the most reliable and humane ways of removing snakes from your home is by calling professional wildlife control companies like Humane Wildlife Control.

These companies have trained wildlife experts who identify and remove snakes from your home without harming them. In addition to snake removal, these companies typically offer additional services like snake-proofing your home, where they seal all the entry and exit points of the snakes, keeping you and your family safe.

Pest Control Companies

In Houston, TX, pest control firms can handle snake problems too. They’re pros at managing pests such as bugs and rodents, which often draw snakes to your home.

Although their staff is trained in snake removal, they may not have the same level of expertise as wildlife control companies.

Some might not use humane methods for handling and removing snakes. So, it’s crucial to check with them about their approach.

Animal Rescue Centers

Your nearby animal rescue centers? Always on standby. But snake removal? That’s a different story. They’re pros at mending wounded animals and setting them up for wilderness comebacks. Snake-ousting tools or expertise? Not really their thing.

Find a snake in your yard or home? Don’t hold back from contacting these centers. They can point you toward wildlife control pros who know their snake stuff.

DIY Methods

You might be thinking about removing that snake on your own. Not a good idea, really. Snakes can be risky critters to handle without the right gear and know-how – they bite. Plus, some are legally protected; harm them, and you could be in hot water. So, it’s best to let professionals step in and take care of it.

Choosing the Right Service

Opt for a snake removal service with a solid reputation, proven experience, and official licensing. Seek out those specializing in wildlife control, holding a license from the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife. They’ll possess the right tools and expertise to manage the situation effectively.

Call the Experts: The Importance of Professional Snake Removal Services

Spot a snake at home or in the yard? Don’t fret. Reach out to professional Snake Removal Houston TX services right away. Trustworthy companies like Humane Wildlife Control offer the safest and kindest methods for snake removal.

They have trained wildlife experts who remove snakes without harming them.

If you’re in the Houston, TX area, call Humane Wildlife Control for trusted and humane snake removal services.

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About Us

HUMANE WILDLIFE CONTROL Specialists LLC is a 24hour wildlife control service that caters to the Greater Houston & Surrounding Areas.

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  • 14222 Old Hwy 59N,
    Splendora, TX 77372,
    United States


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