Coming across a wild alligator on your property can be an alarming experience. These creatures, while fascinating, pose a real danger if not handled properly. Whether you live near water in a region known for its alligator population or have just spotted one unexpectedly, knowing what to do can protect you, your loved ones, and the alligator itself. This guide will walk you through immediate actions, safety measures, and how to seek help for wild alligator control.


Immediate Actions

Stay Calm and Keep Your Distance

The first thing to remember is to stay calm. Alligators are more scared of you than you are of them. Avoid making sudden movements and keep a safe distance of at least 30 feet from the animal.

Don’t Feed the Alligator

Feeding alligators can cause them to lose their natural fear of humans, making them more likely to approach people in the future. It’s also illegal in many places.

Keep Pets and Children Away

Ensure that children and pets are kept inside or far away from the alligator. Pets, in particular, can be seen as prey by alligators.

Observing and Reporting

Contact Wildlife Control

If the alligator is posing a threat, contact your local wildlife control agency immediately. They are trained in wild alligator control and can safely remove the alligator from your property.

Do Not Attempt to Trap the Alligator Yourself

Trapping and removing an alligator is dangerous and should only be done by professionals. Doing it yourself can lead to serious injuries.

Preventative Measures

Fence Your Property

If you live in an area known for alligators, consider installing a fence around your property, especially if it’s close to water bodies. A fence can act as a barrier to prevent alligators from entering your yard.

Clean Up Food Waste

Alligators are attracted to easy food sources. Keep your yard free of food waste that might attract them, including pet food.

Use Caution Near Water

When in or around water known to house alligators, stay vigilant. Swim in designated areas and avoid swimming at dusk or dawn when alligators are most active.

How to Safely Coexist with Wild Alligators

Finding a wild alligator on your property can be a nerve-wracking experience, but with the right knowledge and actions, you can ensure the safety of everyone involved. Remember to stay calm, keep a safe distance, and call the professionals for wild alligator control. By taking proactive steps to make your property less attractive to these creatures and respecting their natural behavior, you can minimize the risks and live harmoniously near these majestic animals.

If you see a wild alligator on your property, don’t try to handle it yourself. Keep safe and call us at Humane Wildlife Control Specialists. We know how to deal with these situations safely and effectively. Our team is trained in wild alligator control and will make sure the alligator is removed without harm to you or the animal. Reach out to us right away for help. Keep your property safe with Humane Wildlife Control Specialists.

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HUMANE WILDLIFE CONTROL Specialists LLC is a 24hour wildlife control service that caters to the Greater Houston & Surrounding Areas.

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  • 14222 Old Hwy 59N,
    Splendora, TX 77372,
    United States


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